



NOC编码 中文名称 英文名称
NOC94153 摄影和胶片处理人员 Photographic and film processors
NOC94152 装订和精加工机操作员 Binding and finishing machine operators
NOC94151 相机、制版和其他印前职业 Camera, platemaking and other prepress occupations
NOC94150 无板印刷设备操作员 Plateless printing equipment operators
NOC94143 测试员和分级员,食品和饮料加工 Testers and graders, food and beverage processing
NOC94142 鱼类和海鲜工厂工人 Fish and seafood plant workers
NOC94141 工业屠夫和切肉工、家禽准备工和相关工人 Industrial butchers and meat cutters, poultry preparers and related workers
NOC94140 过程控制和机器操作员,食品和饮料加工 Process control and machine operators, food and beverage processing
NOC94133 检查员和分级员,纺织品、面料、毛皮和皮革制品制造 Inspectors and graders, textile, fabric, fur and leather products manufacturing
NOC94132 工业缝纫机操作员 Industrial sewing machine operators
NOC94131 织布工和其他织物制作职业 Weavers, knitters and other fabric making occupations
NOC94130 纺织纤维和纱线、皮革和毛皮加工机操作员和工人 Textile fibre and yarn, hide and pelt processing machine operators and workers
NOC94129 其他木材加工机操作员 Other wood processing machine operators
NOC94124 木工机械操作员 Woodworking machine operators
NOC94123 木材分级员和其他木材加工检查员和分级员 Lumber graders and other wood processing inspectors and graders
NOC94122 纸张转换机操作员 Paper converting machine operators
NOC94121 纸浆厂、造纸和精加工机操作员 Pulp mill, papermaking and finishing machine operators
NOC94120 锯木机操作员 Sawmill machine operators
NOC94112 橡胶加工机操作员及相关工人 Rubber processing machine operators and related workers
NOC94111 塑料加工机操作员 Plastics processing machine operators
NOC94110 化工厂机器操作员 Chemical plant machine operators
NOC94107 其他金属产品的机器操作员 Machine operators of other metal products
NOC94106 加工工具操作员 Machining tool operators
NOC94105 金属加工和锻造机操作员 Metalworking and forging machine operators
NOC94104 检查员和测试员,矿物和金属加工 Inspectors and testers, mineral and metal processing
NOC94103 混凝土、粘土和石材成型操作员 Concrete, clay and stone forming operators
NOC94102 玻璃成型和精加工机操作员和玻璃切割员 Glass forming and finishing machine operators and glass cutters
NOC94101 铸造工人 Foundry workers
NOC94100 机器操作员-矿物和金属加工 Machine operators, mineral and metal processing
NOC93200 飞机装配工和飞机装配检查员 Aircraft assemblers and aircraft assembly inspectors
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