



NOC编码 中文名称 英文名称
NOC74101 信件承运人 Letter carriers
NOC74100 邮件和包裹分拣工及相关职业 Mail and parcel sorters and related occupations
NOC73402 钻井工人和爆破工-露天采矿、采石和建筑 Drillers and blasters - surface mining, quarrying and construction
NOC73401 印刷机操作员 Printing press operators
NOC73311 铁路指挥官和制动员 Railway conductors and brakemen/women
NOC73310 铁路和货场机车工程师 Railway and yard locomotive engineers
NOC73301 公共汽车司机、地铁运营人和其他交通运营人 Bus drivers, subway operators and other transit operators
NOC73300 运输卡车司机 Transport truck drivers
NOC73209 其他修理工和服务人员 Other repairers and servicers
NOC73202 害虫控制者和熏蒸者 Pest controllers and fumigators
NOC73201 一般楼宇维修工人及楼宇监督 General building maintenance workers and building superintendents
NOC73200 住宅和商业安装人员和服务人员 Residential and commercial installers and servicers
NOC73113 地板安装工 Floor covering installers
NOC73112 油漆工和装潢师(室内装潢师除外) Painters and decorators (except interior decorators)
NOC73111 玻璃工 Glaziers
NOC73110 屋顶工和瓦工 Roofers and shinglers
NOC73102 泥水工、石膏板安装工、修整工和泡沫工 Plasterers, drywall installers and finishers and lathers
NOC73101 瓷砖工 Tilesetters
NOC73100 混凝土修整工 Concrete finishers
NOC72999 其他技术行业和相关职业 Other technical trades and related occupations
NOC72604 铁路交通管制员和海上交通管制员 Railway traffic controllers and marine traffic regulators
NOC72603 水上运输轮机员 Engineer officers, water transport
NOC72602 甲板人员,水上运输 Deck officers, water transport
NOC72601 空中交通管制员及相关职业 Air traffic controllers and related occupations
NOC72600 飞行员、飞行工程师和飞行教员 Air pilots, flight engineers and flying instructors
NOC72501 水井钻工 Water well drillers
NOC72500 起重机操作员 Crane operators
NOC72429 其他小型发动机和小型设备修理工 Other small engine and small equipment repairers
NOC72422 电气机械师 Electrical mechanics
NOC72421 家电服务人员和维修人员 Appliance servicers and repairers
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