



NOC编码 中文名称 英文名称
NOC22310 电气和电子工程技师和技术人员 Electrical and electronics engineering technologists and technicians
NOC22303 建筑估价员 Construction estimators
NOC22302 工业工程和制造技术专家和技术人员 Industrial engineering and manufacturing technologists and technicians
NOC22301 机械工程技师和技术员 Mechanical engineering technologists and technicians
NOC22300 土木工程技师和技术员 Civil engineering technologists and technicians
NOC22233 施工督察 Construction inspectors
NOC22232 职业健康和安全专家 Occupational health and safety specialists
NOC22231 工程检查员和监管人员 Engineering inspectors and regulatory officers
NOC22230 无损检测员和检查员 Non-destructive testers and inspectors
NOC22222 信息系统测试技术员 Information systems testing technicians
NOC22221 用户支持技术人员 User support technicians
NOC22220 计算机网络和网络技术人员 Computer network and web technicians
NOC22213 土地测量技师和技术员 Land survey technologists and technicians
NOC22212 制图技术人员和技师 rafting technologists and technicians
NOC22211 工业设计师 Industrial designers
NOC22210 建筑技术人员和技师 Architectural technologists and technicians
NOC22114 景观和园艺技术人员和专家 Landscape and horticulture technicians and specialists
NOC22113 自然保育及渔业人员 Conservation and fishery officers
NOC22112 林业技术人员和技术员 Forestry technologists and technicians
NOC22111 农产品和水产品检验员 Agricultural and fish products inspectors
NOC22110 生物技术专家和技术人员 Biological technologists and technicians
NOC22101 地质和矿产技术人员和技术人员 Geological and mineral technologists and technicians
NOC22100 化学技师和技术人员 Chemical technologists and technicians
NOC21399 其他专业工程师 Other professional engineers
NOC21390 航天工程师 Aerospace engineers
NOC21332 石油工程师 Petroleum engineers
NOC21331 地质工程师 Geological engineers
NOC21330 采矿工程师 Mining engineers
NOC21322 冶金和材料工程师 Metallurgical and materials engineers
NOC21321 工业和制造工程师 Industrial and manufacturing engineers
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大数据AI定制方案 | 专属私人定制服务